Events Volunteer (Brockholes)

Opportunity image

Brockholes has a packed and varied programme of events and activities running throughout the year for visitors of all ages from tots to grown ups!

We run lots of children’s activities, walks, talks, markets, theatre performances and even Santa comes to Brockholes in December.

Events Volunteers assist us with event set up, meeting and greeting, delivering the sessions and packing away at the end and helping to ensure that everyone has a fantastic experience!

The majority of our events are held at weekends (but not every weekend) and school holiday periods, so you will need to be available to volunteer then. We operate an online system for you to select and book your volunteering sessions.

Our Events Volunteers have a key role to play in ensuring our events are a great success and we are now recruiting for the busy winter events season!

As we are recruiting for the winter events season, we are looking for volunteers who are available on at least 3 of the following dates/times.

Saturday 26 Oct - 9.00am to 1.00pm and/or 1.00pm - 4.30pm, Sunday 27 Oct - 9.00am to 1.00pm and/or 1.00pm - 4.30pm, Saturday 9 Nov - 4.00pm - 8.30pm, Friday 29th Nov, 6 Dec, 13 Dec - 3.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 30 Nov, 7 Dec, 14 Dec - Various times during day, Sunday 1, 8, 15 Dec - 8.45am - Various time during day,